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Discover Content Guru


At Content Guru, customers are the center of our world. Let us make the customer the center of yours. We create outstanding omni-channel customer experiences. Working with thousands of businesses around the world, we support our customers at every stage of their CX journey. Let your journey to great CX begin here.


When your customers expect a seamless end-to-end customer journey, there is little room for error. What challenges does your organization need to overcome? Explore the solutions we provide to find out more.

Contact us

If you have a question, we have an answer. Get in touch with us today.

Featured Content: The key metrics to improve CX

New customer experience metrics are constantly being developed to shed light on the mind of the consumer. This array of acronyms can be overwhelming. What are the main metrics for CX measurement, and how do you decide which is best for your business?

Download the whitepaper to find out.

Discover storm®


Whatever your need, storm® offers a single-stack solution that covers every aspect of your customer experience.

storm® CONTACT™ 

storm® CONTACT™ allows you to meet these needs and deliver a world-class omni-channel customer experience, bringing all channels into a single, cloud-based platform.


brain® is a powerful AI toolkit that brings Content Guru’s proven philosophy of intelligent automation to improve your customer service. Future-proof your customer contact solution with AI tailored to your needs.