Products: storm® SCIM
Provisioning made easy
Large organizations, and organizations with large contact centers, will naturally see greater employee turnover. Provisioning multiple services to the workforce is becoming more and more complex, with user accounts needed in a multitude of systems.
This is an administrative headache, and poses a potential security risk: new starters and employees with changing roles need access to the right systems, and leavers must be able to be removed quickly and easily. When maintaining the day-to-day needs of the business and its users is this complex, it can move focus away from high-level strategic needs.
What is storm SCIM?
storm® SCIM is an automated user provisioning service, ideal for organizations with high numbers of agents. By using storm SCIM, organizations can ensure that no leaver has access to the contact center service once they have left the organization, and when new agents start they can be up and running quickly and easily. User provisioning is managed automatically through Microsoft Azure accounts: once users have their account within the organization, their storm account is created automatically, and when leavers leave their account is removed along with their user identification within the organization.
Administration of the user account occurs just once, with no duplication of effort required. This ensures greater administrative efficiency and effectiveness, and reduces costs while also ensuring that the right people have access to storm.
storm Single Sign-On
Additionally, as part of the single-stack storm solution, users can benefit from storm Single Sign-On (SSO).
This allows agents to log into storm with the same credentials as their Microsoft account, saving the need for multiple user IDs and passwords, improving agent experience and efficiency.
Key Features
Works with Active Directories to provide high-level account management.
Uses REST API to ensure a standardized, open approach.
Provisions via attribute-based rules and group membership.
Enables detailed storm user configuration in storm STUDIO™.
Works with storm SSO to enable a single user ID for storm and Windows.
Creates, reads, updates, edits, and deletes user identities automatically, reducing administrative time and improving efficiency.
Alerts admins of changes in storm STUDIO Dashboard.
storm SCIM is an ideal tool for large organizations with high numbers of agents and turnover of staff. Automated user provisioning enables rapid on-boarding and removal of users, as well as any changes to a user’s provisioning status. To find out more, get in touch.