
François Vluggen (Moneyou): “Working from Home is now also an Option for us”

Last month, Moneyou’s customer service department began working from home due to the coronavirus crisis. A home workstation had to be set up in a short time for 40 customer advisors. François Vluggen, Manager of Client Services at Moneyou, explains the outcomes of this move, and how coronavirus will change the way their client advisors work in the future.

Moneyou’s customer service department is based in one location; and services both Germany and the Netherlands together. Every year several hundred thousand customer contacts come in through the multiple different channels handled by the contact center.

What steps did you take when it became known that you could no longer work in the office because of the coronavirus?

When we heard that all of our colleagues had to work at home, we fully furnished our home workplaces with the necessary capacity to support customer engagement within five days. In addition, forty additional laptops and headsets were purchased and handbooks were made for the team. Because we already worked from the cloud, we were able to quickly set up the workplaces together with Content Guru. This made the switch a lot easier which was a great advantage for the customer advisors.

How big has the impact on your customer service been, and do the customer advisors now have all the tools in house to help customers properly?

We are a digital financial service provider and our architecture is already completely in the cloud. A small crisis team still works in the office, but all customer advisors work from home. They can help customers in the same way that they would were they working in the office. Call routing, IVR, client software; everything works exactly as before the crisis and our customer advisors have access to all information.

How do the teams feel about working from home?

They think that there are a number of advantages, such as the greatly reduced travel time, and the fact that everyone is present during team meetings. However, they miss the social aspect, and having lunch or dinner at the office. As far as I am concerned, I miss the ease of communication in the workplace. That is difficult at this time. It is not yet possible to sit down with a colleague to discuss something.

What do you think are the three biggest challenges of working from home?

First of all, I find it more difficult gauge the emotional atmosphere within the team, and I don’t know if someone is comfortable. This is easier if you actually walk around the customer service department. Compliance is also an important point. How do you handle customer data and customer conversations? Because we already worked from the cloud, we had already arranged this properly and safely. Thirdly, a decent workplace is a challenge for a number of employees. Everyone must ensure that they have a quiet workplace where they can work undisturbed and where no one can listen in. I have every confidence in my team that this is all right.

Are you going to work differently after the corona crisis?

Experience has now shown that remote working with storm® is quite possible, but I do not think that fully remote working will happen yet. For the evening and weekend services that we provide, and if we have to scale up, it is useful to know that working from home is really an option for us!

[1] GDPR.EU Website,