How Automated User Provisioning can Improve Your Business’s Efficiency and Security
Published: 07/12/2021
Updated: 07/12/2021
54% of office workers say they have a least five different applications running at once.[1] Now, say that each application requires its own username, password, and an associated email. Not only is that a lot for each user to remember, but it also creates a provisioning nightmare for administrators and IT teams in contact centers. Especially if they must manage provisioning across multiple applications and systems manually. Daily requests to add and remove users, on top of regular identity management responsibilities, decrease efficiency and could become a serious risk to security if not done in a timely manner. Automated user provisioning provides the solution to improving an organization’s efficiency and security, but how?
No duplication of effort
For multi-seat contact centers, perhaps with hundreds if not thousands of seats, provisioning multiple services and applications to the workforce is a mammoth task. Adding and removing users from each service and application that the organization uses, adjusting user rights, and dealing with requests to reset passwords are all time-sensitive, security-critical tasks that come in on a daily basis. Completing these tasks manually is a huge drain on time, and greatly reduces the efficiency of administrators and wider IT teams. This is where automated user provisioning comes in.
Automated user provisioning is the process of granting and managing the access rights and authorization privileges of users across the applications, systems, and services that an organization uses, all through automation. Automated user provisioning enables rapid and easy on-boarding and off-boarding of users, as well as any changes to a user’s provisioning status.
This frees administrators and IT teams from repetitive user requests, which drives efficiency and streamlines team workflows. As a result, administrators are free to focus on enhancing the IT infrastructure rather than simply maintaining it.
A single set of user IDs
Your workforce is always changing. Employee turnover is a natural part of business – and of course, employees change roles regularly. For example, advancing to a more senior position within the contact center. Therefore new starters, and employees with changing roles, must be able to access to the right systems and applications. However, more importantly, leavers must be able to be removed from all systems and applications quickly and easily. Otherwise this can pose a significant security risk.
With automated user provisioning, administrators and IT teams only need to make changes once, in a central identity management system. These changes are then executed across every connected system and application within the contact center automatically. This removes any human error, and reduces the risk of a security breach.
In a nutshell, with automated user provisioning, administrators and IT teams only need to manage a single set of user identity information.
The magic of SCIM
System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) is the standard method of automating the exchange of user identity information between identity management domains, IT systems, applications, and services. SCIM removes the need for manual configuration by improving the connectivity between systems and applications. As such, SCIM allows IT teams to manage user identities in cloud-based applications and services more easily, which simplifies large-scale provisioning. SCIM is growing in importance as organizations move increasingly to cloud services. It ensures that provisioning is based on one set of identities and one standardized API, which is vital to providing secure authentication and enhancing IT team efficiency.
How Content Guru can help
Give your organization the freedom to see the bigger picture with storm® SCIM™ – the automated user provisioning service that is perfect for organizations with high numbers of agents. storm SCIM allows organizations to manage identities within storm easily through the cloud, removing the need to manually add, remove, or update users.
When new users join or leave, their company-level user account in the Microsoft Active Directory will automatically create or delete their account within storm. This makes high-level user provisioning flawless across multiple applications and services. For more detailed user management abilities, such as agent group membership, skill sets, and more, storm® STUDIO™ is the single interface administrators need.
Additionally, storm SCIM works together with storm SSO, allowing users to benefit from single sign-on capabilities. Users logged into their Microsoft Active Directory can access company applications and their storm applications with the same credentials, meaning they only need one username and password. This improves the agent experience, as well as saves costs and administration time.
[1] GoTo, Encourage Remote Work and Software Consolidation to Help Keep Employees Focused, 2019