Customer Success Stories

Herts Urgent Care (HUC)

Published: June 17th 2022


HUC runs the NHS 111 telephone line and General Practitioner (GP) out-of-hours services for over 3.3 million people in the East of England, both of which are crucial components of the NHS’s urgent care response. Around 20% of patients who use these telephone services still need to be seen in person, but face-to-face consultations place both patients and clinicians at risk of coronavirus infection.

“With UK lockdown measures in place and growing fears over the risks of face-to-face consultations, our over-the-phone urgent care services have been more popular than ever. We needed a way to make video consultations a realistic option for our services, thereby minimizing in person contact while ensuring patients can be assessed properly.

Having worked with Content Guru and used their storm® platform for 5 years, we were confident they would be able to provide us with a solution. The team worked quickly to roll out video consultations for our clinicians, an easy-to-use application which is now widely utilized by our teams.”

Janice Greenhill – Chief Operating Officer

Download the Full Case Study

Fill out a few details and receive a flyer detailing how HUC: 
  • Improved the reliability of remote clinical decisions.
  • Enabled better management of cases with no need for face-to-face consultations.
  • Reduced the physical resources required and therefore lowered the costs to run services.