Customer Success Stories

EDF Energy

Published: June 17th 2022


EDF Energy is one of the UK’s largest energy companies, supplying gas and electricity to around 6 million business and residential customer accounts across the country. With EDF Energy’s customer-facing contact center facing high levels of demand from customers inquiring across a huge range of topics, from insulation through to price changes, providing a consistent, rapid and quality experience across multiple channels of communications became challenging.

“EDF Energy has maintained a strong working relationship with Content Guru since 2008, when the company initially leveraged the storm® platform’s automated contact center and mass alerting capabilities. We needed to deliver our automated renewal service on a tight timescale, and other providers were unable to satisfy this—or to provide a cost-effective solution.

Content Guru exceeded our expectations by delivering the project end-to-end in less than a month, enabling us to go live with a service that’s set to save our customers—and our agents — 280,000 hours throughout 2015. We now deliver a more efficient service to our customers making it easier for them to renew their gas and electricity tariffs.”

EDF Energy
Telephony Optimization Manager

Download the Full Case Study

Fill out a few details and receive a flyer detailing how EDF Energy: 
  • Enabled 60-70% of customers to completely self-serve, reducing the need for live agent involvement.
  • Reduced total handling time by 11-16 minutes.
  • Enabled full 24/7 working when required.